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培养 富有同情心的护理

A team of graduate students learns the importance of trans性别确认疗法 and activism in the trans community.

Trans Team members and community resource representatives and health providers gather in Peck Hall for 跨性别支援日 in March.

In 2004, 黛博拉·库哈特01年毕业, G’06, a professor in the Department of Marriage and Family Therapy (MFT) in the 大卫B. 福尔克体育与人类动力学学院 在雪城大学, was receiving 更多的 requests for counseling transgender clients in her private practice than she could manage. 纠正这种情况,并确保 性别确认疗法 and referrals to much-needed services—she established what’s known today as the Transgender Affirmative Support Team (Trans Team). MFT graduate students—who comprise the team—receive specialized training to provide counseling for trans people and other members of the LBGTQ+ community and their families. “I always tell people to never underestimate the value of one affirming voice,” Coolhart says. “A lot of times trans people are buried by all kinds of negativity and just having one person who supports them can literally save their life.”

跨性别者面临着许多个人和社会的挑战. They may encounter issues with family acceptance and a transition process that can provoke anxiety and depression, MFT教学教授特里斯坦·马丁说. 在寻求支持和理解的同时, 他们经常受到压迫和歧视. 根据 跨立法跟踪, 更多的 than 500 anti-trans bills are currently under consideration in state legislatures across the country. 少数几个州已经通过了反变性法, 这是跨性别群体的主要压力源,马丁说.


婚姻和家庭治疗教授黛布·库哈特, G’06 (left) in a discussion during the team’s monthly meeting in April.


MFT students gain experience through clinical work at the department’s Couple and Family Therapy Center, which provides free counseling services to area residents and the University community. The students complete 500 hours of supervised internships and clinical practice with individuals, 夫妻和家庭. 他们学习为变性客户写支持信, a first step in helping a person begin their transition with hormone therapy and medical procedures. “If you’re affirming and supportive of somebody’s experience, that can be powerful,马丁说. “我们的学生是崭露头角的治疗师, 所以我不指望他们知道如何进行所有的干预, 但如果他们能倾听并验证客户, 有时候,这才是真正需要的.”


Marriage and family therapy graduate students and Trans Team members Lynnie Westafer G’25 (left) and 索菲亚·威德金德,25岁 demonstrate a counseling session.

根据MFT诊所主任泰勒·斯利克2014年的说法, about 25% of the center’s clients are trans or gender-nonconforming in some way. “This population makes up a much higher percentage of the clients than our students would have the opportunity to work with in a community internship,斯利克说. “Our community knows that we specially train students to serve this population well, so we’re one of the go-to referral sources for trans and gender nonbinary folks.”

我们一整年都在筹备这个活动, but it’s a labor of love and a privilege to do this for the community.


Many students who enroll in the program have a specific interest in working with the LGBTQ+ community. Trans Team member Josiah Parker G’25 was a development director at a community health center when he shifted his professional focus and enrolled in the MFT研究生项目 在听了库尔哈特的演讲后. “I love this program, and the focus is what drew me to it,” Parker says. Indigo Vooris G’25 was interested in working with 夫妻 and being a Trans Team member clinched their decision. “We’ve created an excellent community space, and I feel supported in my everyday life,” Vooris says. “对我来说, the most special thing about the Trans Team is how it’s integrated into all the amazing things we’re learning.”


跨团队成员(左起顺时针)Lia Figurelli ' 22, G’25, 诺拉·西尔,G ' 24, Kalila Taylor ' 24, 麦肯齐·利希,25岁, 和24岁的Alyssa Urteaga为变性人支持日做装饰.

Coolhart and Martin regularly meet with Trans Team members to discuss cases and provide training and guidance. Trans Team President 克里斯汀·马西森,24岁 and Vice President Gabby Presutti G’24—who established the team as a 注册学生组织 在2023年,比如说团队喜欢一起庆祝客户的胜利, 例如完成他们的名字更改或医疗程序. “Having a community that is affirming and supportive of their needs and advocates for what they want can mean everything to a lot of them,普雷苏蒂说. “Sometimes we are the only people in their lives who support them and are open, 爱护和关心他们的需要.”


Q Center staff member Charlye Rosamilia (left) and Trans Team member Yike Tang G’24 visit on 跨性别支援日.


跨性别团队的一项主要任务是组织和主持 跨性别支援日. 在今年的活动中, 在三月一个下雪的星期六举行, the team welcomed 更多的 than 240 guests to Peck Hall for the second straight year. It was a day of celebration that featured community resource representatives and health providers, 免费服装店, 发型和化妆造型师和其他服务. “我们一整年都在筹备这个活动, but it’s a labor of love and a privilege to do this for the community,马西森说.


这家免费服装店是变性人支持日的热门场所, 为游客提供不分性别的物品. 图为(左起)变性队队员乔赛亚·帕克25岁, 克洛伊·奥斯本,25岁, 索菲亚·威德金德,25岁, 唐一珂和海蒂·蒙特斯.

卡森是锡拉丘兹的居民,这是他第二次参加这个活动. He began his transition about two years ago with the support of family and friends. 他说,其他人在获得认可方面就没那么幸运了. He appreciates that 跨性别支援日 brings all the available services together in one place where people can receive information and talk in a safe space. “人们可以来参加变性人支持日,做回自己, 要安全,要感恩, 尽情享受吧,他说. “我知道周围都是理解我、接受我的人, that affirms me and my gender and makes me feel really good about myself. It’s also important for a lot of people in the trans community because they don’t know where to go—here, they can learn about the resources they need to take the steps in their journey.”

作者 杰伊•考克斯



咨询 & 治疗服务

The Couple and Family Therapy Center (CFTC) offers confidential therapy services to families, 夫妻, 以及那些正在应对生活挑战的人.

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